Creative Connections
Schedule depends on projects
COL Art Room
Create seasonal crafts and enjoy fellowship. Watch UNITY's announcements for upcoming projects.
Cross of Life Campus
Christ the King Campus
Member's Home
Offsite Location
Create seasonal crafts and enjoy fellowship. Watch UNITY's announcements for upcoming projects.
We make hundreds of quilts every year for various organizations in need.
All UNITY men are invited to join us for coffee, conversation and connection.
We make pillows for use during breast cancer treatment, surgery, and recovery. Check the announcements or the weekly bulletin to confirm times.
No matter your age or stage (younger,older, singles, couples) ALL are invited!
Sheepshead is a 5-player trump-style partner card game played twice a month at our CTK campus.  Open to all ages and skill levels.  And if you don't know how to play, we have plenty of seasoned veterans more than happy to teach you!
If you have lost a spouse, partner or anyone close to you, you are invited to a safe space where you can share where you are in your personal journey. There's no need to RSVP, simply show up and be among friends.
We discuss two book selections each month and enjoy light snacks.
If you’re a guy connected to UNITY, you’re invited to come for a little food for your stomach (usually pretty good) and food for your soul (definitely top tier!).
Read some great books and enjoy the discussion!
Find your tribe! Strengthen your faith and friendships with other UNITY moms. We’re there for each other through all the ups and downs of parenthood. Dinner and childcare provided. Kids can go to kids choir (instruments and movements, not singing yet) or be in the nursery. Moms of all ages and stages welcome! We’ll begin at COL, then hope to move to outside at CTK.